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20 Best Essential Oils For Headaches & Migraines


Migraines disrupting your day? Discover the 20 best essential oils to get back on track here. We’ll also show you the common lifestyle choices that cause headaches and how aromatherapy can help you cope better.

Essential Oils For Headaches

Despite the name, headaches don’t always happen in your head! Most headaches happen when blood vessels in your temples or neck tense up, putting pressure on your nerves. The headache is then triggered when your nerves send a rush of pain straight to your brain.

Headaches happen for a number of reasons, from environmental factors like rainy weather, to dietary choices like excess caffeine. Here are some of the lifestyle choices that may cause headaches:

  • Stress & tension
  • Lack of sleep or sleep pattern changes
  • Staying dehydrated
  • Too much screen time
  • Really loud music
  • Smoking & alcohol
  • Caffeine (triggered by caffeine withdrawal)
  • Long road trips or bus rides
  • Seasonal allergies
  • Medication with side effects
  • Smelling strong odors (e.g. smoke, fumes, a new car or carpets etc)

Stress and tension are high on the list. According to the World Health Organization, over half of the world population experiences headaches, with tension headaches being the most common.

If you’re wondering how to manage your headache, aromatherapy is a great way to cope with it! There are an abundance of oils including lavender, sage and clove oil. The scent of these natural oils calms your mind.

They also quiet mental chatter, helping you to handle negative thoughts.

How Do Essential Oils Help Conquer Headaches?

Essential oils, when diffused (or applied topically) creates a soothing ambience perfect for relaxing, which ensures peace of mind.

What Are The Best Essential Oils For Headaches?

If you’re looking for a holistic approach and are thinking of using essential oils for headaches, there are numerous essential oils that help with headaches, but here are 20 of the best essential oils for the job

1. Peppermint Oil For Headaches

Wonderfully fresh and crisp, Peppermint Oil is known as the “flavour of Christmas”. Gently apply this cooling remedy on temples to experience relief.

Scent profile: Fresh, Sweet & Minty

2. Rosemary Oils For Migraines

Beloved by the Spanish to restore health and wellness, you should definitely keep a bottle of Rosemary Oil handy. This herbaceous wonder of rosemary oil takes the edge off for carefree days.

Scent profile: Herbaceous

3. Tea Tree Essential Oil For Sinus Headaches

A native aboriginal plant, this traditional remedy actively clears congestion from blocked sinuses. Say goodbye to morning sniffles by diffusing this over the morning paper and a hearty breakfast.

Scent profile: Leafy & Herbaceous

4. Lavender Oils For Migraines

Hormonal imbalances can heighten and trigger headaches. Thankfully, there’s Lavender Oil. After a hectic day, swipe this floral oil on temples before leaving the office, or inhale it directly to unwind.

Scent: Floral & Herbaceous

5. Frankincense Oil For Migraines

Grounding and earthy, Frankincense has helped monks and gurus maintain their concentration for long hours. Let this peaceful remedy with meditation or yoga session provide you with relief.

Scent: Warm & Woodsy

6. Clove Oil For Headaches

Cultivated on the Spice Islands of Indonesia, Clove Oil is a fast-absorbing oil which when applied, feels pleasantly warm, helping you feel instantly comforted.

Scent: Warm & Spicy

7. Clary Sage For Headaches

Clary sage is said to have gotten its unique, fresh scent from the Greek goddess of love, Aphrodite. If you’re getting a minor issue before date night, simply swipe Clary Sage Oil for headaches on your temples.

Scent: Herbaceous & Earthy

8. Cinnamon Bark Essential Oils For Headaches

A comforting wellness remedy from Ethiopia, Cinnamon Oil bolsters you to prevent sinus blockage accompanying migraines. It’s also excellent at soothing tense temples with its pleasant warmth.

Scent: Earthy, Spicy & Woodsy

9. Ginger Essential Oils For Migraine

Well-known as a cooking spice for exotic cuisines, a gentle rub of Ginger Oil will deliver great relaxation.

Scent: Spicy & Earthy

10. Pine Needle Headache Oil Blend

Symbolically, pine trees have a special use in Native American tribes for healing pain. Pair Pine Needle Oil with Lemongrass Oil for faster relief during long roadtrips and car rides.

Scent: Woody, Earthy & Balsamic

11. Cinnamon Cassian Essential Oil For Headache

Shake off discomfort and be your best self! Sweet Cinnamon Oil eases headaches for happy days. Just apply this on your temples daily to keep them at bay.

Scent: Warm & Spicy Like Cinnamon Sticks

12. Cypress Headache Relief Oil

When you’re getting headaches from being overworked, take a break with gentle Cypress Oil. The oil has an earthy, pine-like scent that helps you manage such issues.

Scent: Balsamic, Earthy & Woodsy

13. Wintergreen Headache Essential Oil

A herb used by Native Americans such as the Mohawk and Ojibwe people, this minty oil is a traditional remedy. You can use Wintergreen Oil to clear stuffy noses right before your morning workout.

Scent: Woodsy & Sweet

14. Marjoram Oils For Tension Headaches

Originating from the Mediterranean, the Greeks have used this herb to treat all kinds of ailments. Marjoram Oil is great for fighting jet lag.

Scent: Minty, Earthy & Spicy

15. Turmeric Essential Oils And Headaches

Crafted from ancient spices for spiritual-healing, Turmeric Oil has warm, relieving properties for headaches that accompany feeling low.

Scent: Warm & Spicy

16. Chamomile Essential Oil For Migraines

This herbaceous, daisy-like oil is perfect for creating a quiet space to recharge. When you’re feeling overwhelmed, allow its floral scent to spread throughout your room for complete comfort.

Scent: Sweet, Herbaceous & Floral

17. Vetiver Oil For Headache

A prized ingredient used in modern colognes, Vetiver Oil is great for soothing headaches right before date night. Dab it on temples and massage a few drops on your neck to enjoy a smoky scent that exudes mystique.

Scent: Earthy, Smokey & Woodsy

18. Bergamot Essential Oil For Headache

A sweet and citrusy oil originating from Italy, Bergamot Oil is useful during long road trips. Before heading on an outdoor adventure, remember to pack a few convenient bottles to-go.

Scent: Sweet, Tangy & Slightly Citrusy

19. Cedarwood Essential Oils For Migraines

Harvested from the Himalayas, Using Cedarwood Essential Oil is a super-soothing natural remedy for tense temples. After a stressful day, let your mental burdens fall away by inhaling its warm, pine-like scent.

Scent: Warm, Woody & Pine-Like

20. Headache Essential Oil Rollers

We’ve crafted our Migraine Manager Roll-On with an infusion of some of the best essential oils listed above. It contains cooling peppermint oil to encourage faster relief.

How To Use Essential Oils For Headaches?


Applying essential oils to your temples is a great way to combat headaches. Dilute a few drops of essential oil with a tablespoon of carrier oil. Then rub the mixture in circular motions over sore spots.


Diffusing essential oils is the easiest and most common aromatherapy method. Just add a few drops of essential oils into your diffuser and breathe in the benefits.


Feeling headaches along with coughs and colds? Enjoy great relief by adding 1 cup of Epsom salts and a few drops of essential oil into a warm tub of water. Sit back, soak and relax.

Diffuser Blend for Mild Headache


  • 6 drops of peppermint essential oil
  • 6 drops of rosemary essential oil

Diffuser Blend for Irritating Headache


  • 4 drops of lavender essential oil
  • 5 drops of Roman chamomile oil

Non-stop Headache Diffuser Blend


  • 2 drops of frankincense
  • 2 drops of wintergreen
  • 1 drop of birch

Seasonal Migraine Diffuser Blend


  • 5 drops of eucalyptus
  • 5 drops of Balsam copaiba
  • 3 drops of Helichrysum
  • 3 drops of vetiver

Roll on for Muscle Tension


  • 10mL roll on bottle
  • 3 drops lemongrass
  • 3 drops peppermint
  • 5 drops eucalyptus
  • Jojoba oil

Stress Headache Diffuser Blend


  • 6 drops of lavender
  • 5 drops of frankincense
  • 2 drops of chamomile
  • 3 drops of orange

Bedtime Headache Diffuser Blend


  • 3 drops of lavender
  • 3 drops of Clary sage
  • 2 drops of turmeric
  • 2 drops of Helichrysum

Research - Essential Oils For Headaches & Migraines

How To Use Essential Oils Safely

Essential oils are great for self-care routines. However, we should also take care and caution when using them to keep ourselves and our loved ones safe! Here are a few guidelines to keep in mind.

  1. Read the label and instructions to make sure you’re using the oil correctly.
  2. Make sure to dilute the essential oil in a carrier oil for safe application.
  3. Avoid using essential oils of sensitive areas like the eyes and nose.
  4. Don’t apply it on broken skin either unless it’s mentioned on the bottle or label.
  5. Keep it out of reach of kids and furkids.
  6. Some oils may make you sensitive to sun damage, so be sure to load up on SPF.
  7. If you show signs of irritation, stop using and consult a health professional.
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