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Best Essential Oils for Neuropathic Pain Relief

More than 40% of Americans experience pain, a new study of more than 250,000 U.S. citizens found. Nervous pain is a pain-causing illness which occurs due to pain. Nearly 16% are experiencing pain.

Pain relief is an important factor in the use of any essential oil or otherwise. Things like sciatic pain and diabetic neuropathy also stem from nerve pain.

When a medical problem affects the nerves that transmit sensation to the brain, it results in nerve pain, also known as neuralgia or neuropathic pain. It is a specific form of pain that differs from other pains in how it feels

Nerve pains can become very painful and reduce your chances of survival. Currently, very little relief for the pain of nerve pain can be obtained via prescription.

What are the reasons? Essential oil is believed to help relieve muscle pain. It is safe to use and effective.

Nerve Pain: Details

Pain relief is important, especially for those who have experienced nerve pain in their life. Hands and feet are common areas where neuropathy manifests.

People with diabetes are particularly susceptible to it; 60 to 70 percent of them eventually acquire neuropathy. Nerve damage can be aided through products that have anti-inflammatory properties, and analgesic properties which help calm the central nervous system.

Diabetic neuropathy is even more challenging to deal with and often becomes difficult to reduce neuropathy pain.

There is also chronic inflammation, spared nerve injury, neurological disorders, and sciatic pain which can be helped by essential oil blend and diffusing essential oils.

In addition to illnesses that impact your blood vessels, cancer therapies (including chemotherapy) and vitamin shortages can also result in neuropathy. Neuropathic pain relief is important and an immediate need for many people.

Follow your doctor's recommended course of therapy if you have neuropathy. You may have heard that some individuals manage their neuropathy using essential oils as a supplemental therapy.

Please take the correct medication along with the proper procedures for pain relief and reduction in other disrupting symptoms.

Complementary therapies are used with conventional medical care; they do not stand in for it.

There isn't much evidence to support it, but a few studies indicate that certain essential oils can help lessen some of the neuropathy symptoms. Pain relief is one of the key needs and is being explored mainly in this area.

A few important things about the same have been discussed below:

Causes and Symptoms of Neuropathy

Fatigue, numbness, and discomfort are common symptoms of peripheral neuropathy, which develop when the peripheral nerves, which are located outside of the brain and spinal cord, are damaged.

These symptoms often affect the hands and feet. Additionally, it may have an impact on many bodily processes including digestion, urine, and circulation.

These are some more causes of neuropathies outside diseases:

  • Alcoholism
  • Vitamin deficits may result from poor dietary decisions made by alcoholics.
  • poisons exposure

Industrial chemicals and heavy metals like lead and mercury are examples of toxic compounds.


Peripheral neuropathy can be brought on by soeme drugs, notable ones used to treat cancer (chemotherapy)

A Nerve Injury

Peripheral nerves can be severed or damaged by injuries, such as those caused by car accidents, slips and falls, or sports injuries.

Nerve pressure can be brought on by wearing a cast, using crutches, or repeatedly performing an action like typing.

Deficits in Vitamins

Niacin, vitamin E, and B vitamins, such as B-1, B-6, and B-12, are essential for maintaining healthy nerves.

Peripheral Neuropathy Symptoms and Signs

  • The gradual development of tingle, pins and needles, or paralysis in your hands or feet that may eventually move up your body and into your legs
  • Pain that is piercing, throbbing, scorching, or sharp
  • A high threshold for touch
  • Pain when doing things that shouldn't hurt, such as when you put weight on your feet or when they're covered in a blanket.
  • Falling and incoordination
  • Muscle tremor
  • Sensation as if you're missing your socks or gloves
  • If the motor nerves are harmed, paralysis

One nerve might be affected by peripheral neuropathy (mononeuropathy), multiple mononeuropathy, or numerous nerves can be affected by it (polyneuropathy).

Among mononeuropathies, carpal tunnel syndrome is one example. Polyneuropathy is the most common kind of peripheral neuropathy.

How Are Nerve Pains Identified?

Your doctor will mostly listen to you and examine you to determine the cause of your nerve pain. This can be done in a series of ways to identify the nerve pain and the exact point of the problem.

Your nerves will likely be tested throughout the examination by having them measure your muscular strength, reflexes, and touch sensitivity.

This might cause some discomfort; hence, pain relief should be provided to the patient in need. Neuropathic pain and nerve pain are often overlooked, and therefore the doctor should examine them thoroughly.

Tests like these could be requested of you:

  • Blood tests to evaluate your general health and search for underlying issues
  • Studies of nerve conduction that gauge how rapidly your nerves transmit electrical impulses
  • Do a CT or MRI scan to check for anything that might be pushing on a nerve.
  • Neuropathic pain and nerve pain tests should be done to find ways of pain relief
  • Reduce muscle spasms and find a proper neuropathy treatment

Neuropathic pain in mice has been studied heavily to understand the depth of this problem.

Neuropathy pain has been shown to fall weak to the best essential oils out there, which help in neuropathy treatment, nerve damage, and irritable bowel syndrome, and its analgesic properties and anti-inflammatory effects help reduce sciatic pain.

Essential oils for neuropathy are something that is being understood correctly, as the best essential oils for nerve and oils for nerve pain relief may help people with neuropathy in inflammatory and neuropathic pain.

Essential oils help in different types of pain which are associated with nerve pain.

The Benefits of Essential Oils for Nerve Pain

When it comes to reducing nerve pain and giving pain relief, a lot of individuals are having some success with essential oils. Usually, anti-inflammatory oils deliver the best effects. This is because swelling really accounts for a large portion of the discomfort we feel.

Numerous essential oils like lavender oil also include anti-spasmodic qualities. They can therefore aid in reducing or halting the body's production of parasympathetic nerve signals.

A third element is a stimulatory quality that ensures better nervous system performance all through the body. Nervine chemicals have also been discovered in essential oils. The nerves are calmed by these substances.

Although the discomfort from your sciatic nerve might feel insurmountable, these different oils can be quite helpful.

Best Essential Oils for Nerve Pain

1. Lavender Essential Oil

Lavender essential oil inhalation may aid in promoting relaxation and lowering discomfort and anxiety. The usefulness of aromatherapy using lavender oil after peripheral intravenous cannulation, which entails inserting a tube with a needle into a peripheral vein, was examined in 2016 research.

The 106 patients were randomly randomised to receive either aromatherapy using lavender essential oil or a placebo after the researchers recruited the volunteers, who were scheduled to undergo the operation.

Additionally, lavender has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects and lavender promotes relaxation and eases anxiety. In most research, the lavender group reported significantly less pain along with less nerve-related pain.

Lavender oil aromatherapy is one of the effective essential oils which has shown reduced neuropathy pain.(1)

2. Ginger Oil

Thai massage is less effective than Swedish massage in reducing pain and impairment than fragrant ginger oil. Zingibain, a substance found in ginger oil, has strong anti-inflammatory qualities. Therefore, zingibain may aid in reducing neuropathic pain brought on by inflammatory diseases.

However, the use of ginger oil for the particular treatment of neuropathic pain has not yet been studied by experts. Online stores sell a variety of ginger essential oils. This has proven to be one of the most effective essential oils.(2)

3. Holy Basilica

Holy basil, commonly referred to as tulsi or tulasi, is a fragrant herb that grows all throughout Southeast Asia and the Indian subcontinent. Ayurvedic doctors have traditionally utilised it to treat a variety of ailments, including nerve pain. It has elements that can strengthen neuron receptors while also assisting in easing the signs of nerve injury.

Basil is a go-to oil for supplying natural comfort and has been utilised for many years by Ayurvedic practitioners for this reason as well as the fact that it has analgesic and antispasmodic properties.

Holy basil extract dramatically decreased rat sciatic nerve pain, according to 2015 research. However, further study will be needed to validate these results in people. The essential oil benefits are innumerable.

Holy basil essential oils are available for buy online.

4. Peppermint Essential Oil

Antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties are all present in peppermint oil. It could also lessen muscular spasms and modulate the immunological system.The conclusions of a systematic review from 2019 According to a reliable source, peppermint oil may be useful in treating IBS-related stomach discomfort.

However, it is still unknown if peppermint oil can be used to alleviate nerve pain. Peppermint oil helps in the reduction of chronic pain enhancing body immunity. The peppermint essential oil works incredibly effectively for nerve pain and numbness since it has both analgesic and anti-inflammatory qualities.

Peppermint oil helps reduce nerve pain and gives a sense of comfort along with lavender essential oil. In addition to relieving pain, it has the capacity to naturally warm the muscles and skin in order to increase circulation in numb places. It also has the power to cool the hot skin of inflammation. The nerves are stimulated, which promotes recovery.(3)

5. Chamomile Essential Oil

Borneol, a substance found in chamomile and lavender essential oils, may aid in reducing neuropathy-related pain and inflammation.In mice experiencing neuropathic pain, borneol was demonstrated to lower pain sensitivity in a 2015 research. However, further research will be needed to validate the impact on people.

You may buy a lot of chamomile essential oils online. It can be frequently used to treat nerve damage.

6. Cardamom Essential Oil

In a rat model, cardamom oil lowers neurotoxins and guards against aluminum poisoning [R]. Additionally, the hypothalamus, a part of the brain, experienced a reduction in oxidative stress as a result of this therapeutic oil.

Due to its anti-inflammatory properties and digestive tract antispasmodic actions, cardamom essential oil can be used to relieve discomfort. For pain-relieving properties, cardamom pairs nicely with clove, peppermint, and lavender essential oils.

7. Wintergreen Essential Oil

Because wintergreen essential oil contains a lot of methyl salicylate, it is beneficial for painful ailments. Aspirin and methyl salicylate are both chemical compounds. Methyl salicylate is taken into the body in trace levels through the skin.

Utilizing wintergreen oil could improve the absorption of other essential oils and possibly other transdermal drugs. For more excellent pain-relieving benefits, many people discover that it works best when used with peppermint essential oil.

Copaiba, helichrysum, Siberian fir, and yarrow essential oils are excellent companions for wintergreen essential oil. For pain treatment, a few drops go a long way.

8. Eucalyptus Essential Oil

For centuries, people have used the oil from the eucalyptus plant for medicinal and pharmacological uses. Even some people use it as a deterrent. Industrial companies are also aware of the eucalyptus plant's lovely aroma.

Many over-the-counter pain relievers, including pain patches, include eucalyptus. Because it contains anti-inflammatory characteristics and a natural warming effect that relieves pain, eucalyptus oil is widely known for its capacity to relieve pain.

People claim that after using eucalyptus essential oil, their breathing becomes better. Of fact, it has a lot of uses related to reducing nerve pain. Muscle spasms have reportedly been relieved with eucalyptus.

Additionally, eucalyptus oil includes a natural analgesic that acts as a pain reliever.

9. Rosemary Essential Oil

One of the numerous applications for rosemary is that the herb has analgesic qualities. It works wonders on aches and pains in general. Additionally, the qualities of rosemary work well to relax muscular fibres. Since ancient times, rosemary oil has been utilised in traditional medicine.

However, current research is now supporting what traditional healers have long believed. According to one research, stroke victims who used rosemary oil as part of their rehabilitation regimen had a 30% reduction in pain.

The most notable property of rosemary oil is its capacity to reduce pain, despite being hailed for everything from improving mental clarity to promoting hair development.

One essential quality of rosemary extract is that it guards against nervous system deterioration. As a result, rosemary influences the causes of neuropathic pain and provides a method for directly modifying nerve signals.(4

10. Marjoram Essential Oil

Numerous advantages of marjoram might lessen severe sciatica pain. 

Marjoram provides a soothing and warming impact on the region it is applied to. It lessens inflammation while also reducing discomfort. The other advantages of marjoram include reducing tension and soothing your emotions.

Additionally, it is utilized as a "heart tonic," "nerve tonic," and to improve blood circulation.

Marjoram oil is used as a "water pill" to treat gall bladder problems, runny noses, coughs, , stomach cramps, migraines, nervous headaches, paralysis, and digestive diseases.

11. Frankincense Essential Oil

In the realm of essential oils, frankincense essential oil is regarded by many as the supreme leader.

The Arabian Peninsula's Boswellia sacra tree may be used to make frankincense oil. People claim that with only a few whiffs of its woodsy smell, its therapeutic powers are potent enough to lower a person's stress levels. Additionally, frankincense is frequently utilized topically to rejuvenate skin.

When it comes to reducing physical discomfort, frankincense essential oil is quite effective. People frequently use it to treat arthritic symptoms. Additionally, this oil may be able to lessen nerve discomfort. '

It has been demonstrated that frankincense oil can assist in lessening the symptoms of anxiety, which is an additional advantage.(5)

12, Juniper Berry Oil Essential Oil

The juniper plant yields juniper berry essential oil. Native Americans have employed its therapeutic powers for millennia.

Modern athletes have found that this essential oil has significant advantages for easing cramps and muscular soreness, nevertheless. The usage of juniper berries' essential oil as a therapy for nerve pain is rising due to its pain-relieving effects.

Many individuals gently massage a painful portion of their body with a few drops of this oil. Additionally, you might add a few drops of juniper oil to a bath and have a long soak.

This one emphasizes pain the most because it is an antalgic. Juniper oil works in conjunction with its anti-inflammatory characteristics to lessen inflammation and nerve discomfort. This medicinal extract also benefits the neurological system in general by encouraging the release of uric acid and pollutants.

In fact, due to its effectiveness as a painkiller, it is being utilized more frequently as a therapy, specifically for nerve pain.

13. Tea Tree Essential Oil

Tea tree oil is a multipurpose oil that might be investigated for use in neuropathy therapies.

Neuralgia sufferers frequently utilize tea tree oil to assist reduce their nerve discomfort. This essential oil has anti-inflammatory characteristics that can help reduce pain flare-ups and other neuropathy symptoms.

14. Turmeric Essential Oil

Turmeric Essential Oil contains a substance called curcumin, which has been shown to have anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and pain-relieving effects.

It could aid in relieving tingling and numbness in your hands and feet. The use of turmeric oil in Asian traditional medicinal practices dates back a long time. The ability of an extract of this brilliant yellow spice to reduce nerve-related discomfort in rodents was validated by Malaysian scientists last year.

Turmeric's anti-inflammatory properties could potentially be advantageous.

15. Clove Essential Oil

The action of clove oil is to numb the nerve tissue.

That occurs as a result of the eugenol in clove oil. Clove oil can therefore function as a natural anesthetic.

16. Helichrysum Essential Oil

Helichrysum has been utilized as a treatment for muscle spasms and a means of reducing inflammation both within and outside the body.

Helichrysum oil possesses analgesic and anti-inflammatory characteristics, similar to other essential oils that successfully treat nerve pain and neuropathy. It is also well-known for being a solid and quick-acting pain reliever.

Nerol, the primary ingredient in this oil, has neuroprotective properties and lessens the death of dopamine-producing neurons.

This oil not only relieves pain but also strengthens the nervous system, regenerates nerves, and possibly has antispasmodic properties as well, according to research.

This indicates that using this essential oil can aid in reducing or stopping the body's production of parasympathetic nerve signals.

How to Use Essential Oil for Nerve Pain?

Either by inhalation or as a massage oil, people utilize essential oils.

Applying a few drops of essential oil to a vaporizer, bathwater, or cushions, like pillows, can be an option.

Always dilute essential oils with a carrier oil before using them in a massage, such as a hazelnut or olive oil. Rub the solution into the afflicted region slowly and gently.

Other Treatments for Neuropathy

Identifying and treating causes is typically the focus of medical care for neuropathy. For instance, maintaining adequate blood glucose control may help persons with diabetic complications have fewer symptoms.

Neuropathic pain is a common ailment which impairs people due to nerve pain and chronic pain. Most essential oils are very useful for nerve damage and neuropathy pain and treat nerve pain.

However here are some scientifically backed effective techniques to help you out.

1. Medication

Medication can be prescribed by doctors to patients to help them manage pain.

2. Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation

Electrical currents are used in transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) therapy to cure pain and stop muscular spasms.

Electrodes are applied to the body parts that are impacted by TENS treatment. These attach to a little gadget that sends the nerves a gentle electrical current.

A TENS unit can be used at home. TENS treatment is a generally safe method that some individuals use to relieve pain. It is crucial to adhere to the manufacturer's recommendations while using a TENS unit.

3. Physical Exercise

Physical treatment on a regular basis can help lessen neuropathic pain. The main goals of physiotherapy for neuropathy are to increase balance, flexibility, and muscular strength.

To create a personalised fitness programme, a person will work closely with a skilled physiotherapist or another medical expert.

A Natural Approach To Relieving Nerve Pain & Discomfort

Some essential oils, such as chamomile and Roman lavender promote better blood flow throughout the body. These essential oils help in pain relief. Additionally, they have anti-inflammatory and distress-removing qualities that could promote recovery.

Add a few drops of essential oil to 1 ounce of carrier oil, such as olive oil. Applying these diluted oils to the afflicted region might lessen peripheral neuropathy symptoms.

Remedies for nerve pain and different types of neuropathy can be treated with good essential oils.

Safety of Essential Oils in Neuropathy

If you follow these safety measures, using essential oils is often safe:

  • Consult your physician. It is best to complete this step before beginning any potential medicine, especially natural remedies.
  • Everything you use or do to manage your disease should be fully documented and sent to your doctor.
  • Avoid applying essential oils to your skin directly. Your skin may become irritated by them because they are potent and concentrated.
  • Any essential oil can be blended (or diluted) a little bit with a harmless carrier oil, such as coconut or jojoba oil.
  • Choose carefully. Although many items are marketed as "essential oils," not all of them are pure or of high calibre. The National Association for Natural Aromatherapy advises using a trusted vendor when purchasing oil.
  • Before using a new product, get medical advice if you have any questions. To make sure you don't have a negative response to it, you should try a small amount on one spot.
  • Skin alone. Avoid adding essential oils to beverages or meals without a doctor's approval.

Risks and Considerations

  • Before utilising essential oils, you should speak with your doctor. Essential oils are not meant to take the place of medical advice and care.
  • Additionally, before using your selected essential oil, be sure to investigate, follow, and implement the appropriate dilution and application technique.
  • People should not swallow pure essential oils since they are poisonous and highly concentrated.
  • It is important to do a patch test beforehand to utilise a new essential oil because they have the potential to irritate skin or trigger allergic responses in certain people.
  • Carrier oils are crucial while using essential oil for things like pain management, muscle weakness, blood pressure, or any other health conditions.
  • Applying the diluted oil to a tiny patch of flesh, such as the back of the hand or a portion of the forearm, is known as a patch test. If the skin gets dry, itchy, or red, stop using the oil.
  • Certain drugs, including stimulants and antidepressants, may interact with essential oils. People who use prescription drugs have to consult their doctor before doing so.


  • The liquid extracts of potentially healthy plants are called essential oils. Essential oils are increasingly being used by people for a number of common diseases, and some research suggests they may occasionally help reduce symptoms.
  • When used properly, essential oils are typically secure. Never swallow essential oils and always dilute them before using them topically.
  • A kind of pain called neuropathic pain is brought on by disorders that harm the nerves. Diabetes patients frequently experience peripheral neuropathy, which can result in soreness, burning, and tingling in the hands and feet.
  • Despite a paucity of evidence, certain essential oils may be able to reduce some kinds of pain and inflammation. Many of the research, meanwhile, either used animals or didn't focus on how essential oils affected neuropathic pain.
  • Important points to note is that any essential oil blend and massage oil have many properties but they also cause skin irritation.
  • Their anti-inflammatory properties give them the name of healing oil which benefit the immune system, reduce muscle spasm, and foot pain, and aid in sensitive skin improvement.
  • Randomized clinical trials are being done to find the roots of this ayurvedic medicine like coconut oil, basil oil or lavender oil.
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